Entrepreneurship 101 - Starting an Education Company

A co-founder and senior legal consultant with Lydian Inc. in Chicago, John Heintz most recently served as chief legal officer and assistant superintendent for operations at Niles Township High School District 219 in Skokie, Illinois. Through his work as a classroom teacher and educational entrepreneur, John Heintz of Chicago has developed a multifaceted perspective on the educational process. 

When starting an education company, it is important to identify a core competency and stick to it. Too many young companies seek immediate monetization of their products without establishing themselves in the field first. Quality educational products must always begin with a dedicated educational team and a clearly defined vision. 

Another crucial component of success in the education sector involves understanding the needs of learners. Like customers of a business, learners have a unique set of needs and preferences that must be addressed. To accomplish this, businesses must share their products with learners as quickly as possible, listening to their feedback and making adjustments along the way. Feedback from learners can also help businesses shape their vision and ultimately find a niche in the education sector.
